Generally I think that Barclays have a very good online banking system.It features real time updates and you can normally carry out pretty much any action you need in order to service one's account.However, they seem to have been sucked in by the web security brigade and as a result, yesterday, it was easier for me to walk to my local branch and talk to someone than to try and "self-service".
I tried to send some money to another account and I am now no longer able to do this without PINsentry. This odious device will not fit into any pocket easily and certainly not into my wallet.I already have a membership number, a PIN and a password check to get into the account so this does seem rather over the top to me.
Furthermore the bank has completely failed to communicate this change in policy to its account holders as far as I am aware.When I eventually got through to someone on the phone I could barely understand them as they could not speak English coherently and was told that they could not talk to me because I did not know the exact date of a standing order (end of the month wasn't accurate enough). It was suggested I ring back when I had a statement in front of me! So no online banking with Barclays from me anymore then. A 5 minute walk to the branch producer a result quickly.
What my investigations did reveal was a complete lack of analysis of the usability or user experience of online banking in the UK - there appear to be no studies paid or otherwise that I could find on Google. Does anyone know of a study? I do know for example that the First Direct system works well but doesn't give you the ability to name your accounts.
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